Thursday, March 6, 2025

She Came Up With A Plan (chapter 4)

Uncle Mordechai was informed 
Via Esther’s LGBTQ friend
Of  Haman’s evil decree
To kill all the Jews. 

He covered himself In sackcloth and ashes
And made a big show
Of his grief and horror 
Which changed nothing. 

Mordechai was  good
At sucking up to kings and
Hanging around the edges of power—
He lived well. 

He cared about his people
But liked his perks
So not much got done
Until he talked to Esther. 

She came up with a plan. 

Haman: A Decree is Issued (Megillah, chapter 3)


The King’s right hand man
Ambitious and greedy
An outsider (Agagite not Persian),
Never enough power
Empty inside
Never enough praise
Many children 
Never enough of anything 
Bows to the stupid vulgar king and
Kicks the crap out of everyone else. 

This man, Haman,
Takes a particular dislike to the Jews,
And talks the rich and ignorant king
Into a program of violence,
Poorly thought out and
Consequences be damned,
That on such and such date,
All the Jews would die,
Good or bad, useful or silly,
Man or woman, adult or child. 

Haman didn’t care. 

And a decree was issued. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

The Purim Parade


It’s the Purim Parade!

When all us kids in Hebrew school

Dress up like the story

In costumes and win  prizes!

We have six Esthers

She’s a Jewish girl in ancient Persia,

She ‘s very smart and brave and beautiful

And she marries the King which kinda sucks  

There are two Vashtis,

That’s the wife of the King, who leaves him because he’s creepy,

She’s pretty, too.

There’s four Mordecais,

He’s Esther’s uncle,  

He’s very smart and brave and handsome,

He wears a robe.

We have two Kings

He’s the king of Persia

(With a long name I can’t  pronounce

I just call him The King),

He is stupid and ugly, 

So he has a big crown and funny wig.

There’s even two Haman’s!

Haman is mean and cruel,

He wants to kill all the Jews!

Spoiler Alert, we kill him instead.

He’s the bad guy

So he wears a funny mustache and silly make up

Because we hate him.

Every year Bobby  or one of his brothers is Haman.

Bobby likes it when we boo.

I used to be Esther,

And I always won

Because I have a tiara.

My mom says everybody should have a tiara.

Esther is pretty butboring so this year I’m Vashti.

She’s my mother’s favorite because she talks back to the King  

But next year I think I’ll be Mordecai

Because he’s smart  and gets to ride a donkey  

My baby brother wants to be the donkey  

Happy Purim!



Monday, February 24, 2025

Blood on the Doorposts

Listening for messages

From angels and autocrats

Offering mysterious futures,

Random threats,

And freakish opportunities,

Slaughtering lambs and

Smearing their blood on the doorposts


Listening to pundits and prophets while

Hiding our true selves,

Preparing to run just in case,

Grabbing the dog and the family photos.

A lintel dripping with blood

Documents terror and intimidation 

And offers only metaphorical salvation.  

The plagues are real and

This time they’re directed at us.

So what are we going to do?

Go through the red viscous portal

And then what?

It might not be too late

But even if it is

There’s always the Sea of Reeds

And whatever’s on the other side

Bricks Without Straw

This year 

Pharoah has declared

That we must make our bricks 

Without straw!

That we must be happy 

Without truth

That we must be poor

Without healthcare 

That we must be gendered

Without a say

That we must be Black

Without equity

That we must be women

Without choices

That we must be old

Without  help

That we must live

Without housing 

That we must be prepared

Without science

That we must make war

Without conscience 

That we must breathe

Without air

That we must be refugees 

Without asylum

That we must be content 

Without democracy

That we must obey

Without question. 

Moses said to Pharoah,

Let my people go. 

And this year, what do you say?

Say it now!

Friday, January 31, 2025

This Shabbat

This Shabbat I will rest from my fears
And exercise my endurance. 

This Shabbat I will eat food that builds me up
And reject the comforts of junk.  

This Shabbat I will pray our prayers
And ignore the lure of cults and false gods. 

This Shabbat I will laugh at the schmucks in power
And dance away from their greed. 

This Shabbat I will reject tempting easy answers 
And embrace doubt and obligation.  

This Shabbat I will nap through the cruelty
And revel in the bravery of love.  

Shabbat Shalom 

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Bending The Knee


Blessed Was/Is/Will Be,

For the happy memories 

Of myself as

A contrarian

A feminist 

A Jew 

An artist

An annoying woman

I bend the knee 

In gratitude

For who and what I was. 

For the absolute disgust

Brought on

By the oligarchs

The fascists

The opportunists

The racists

The misogynists

I bend the knee  

In gratitude

For who and what I am. 

For the old lady joy I get when

I see the young






I bend the knee 

In gratitude

For reminding me who and what we will be. 


Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Gravy: Happy New Year


Whatever this is, now,
Will pass. 
And, sooner rather than later. 
Me, too,
I’ve had my three score and ten. 
The rest is gravy. 

This cup of coffee
This cherry red lipstick
This interesting book
This funny stand up
This prayer for the future—

It won’t be fun. 
The pain that’s coming
Is coming
But so is the hope.  
That’s gravy, too. 
Happy New Year.