Chapter 1
Vashti Says No
What happened? I’ll tell you.
He summoned me,
That old drunk,
He wants to show me off to his friends
I didn’t think
I just answered,
I said to the messenger,
Tell him, Vashti says No
To ask such a thing
It’s the last straw
Maybe this makes me a bad wife.
I don’t know, what do you think?
I should do as he commands?
He sends back more notes
I’m a bitch, I’m a shrew,
I don’t know my place!
Fine, I say to the messenger, who is just a kid.
Fine, tell him, Vashti says no.
Five minutes later
Back comes the kid
Poor thing, I feel sorry for him
The old man is going to hurt him
When he hears what I’ve said.
I wish I could help him, but I can’t.
Because the kid announces,
It’s official
I’m divorced, banished, forgotten instantly
Make room for the next one.
Hmph! Do I care?
Tell him, Vashti says No.
So now what?
What do I do?
Pack, ladies, we’re packing to go.
Does my life end if I’m not the queen?
If not magnificent, what will I be?
A mere person!
How interesting.
Merely a princess of Babylon.
Merely the great-granddaughter of King Nebuchadnezzar
Merely the granddaughter of King Amel-Marduk
Merely the daughter of King Belshazzar
Kidnapped by Darius of Persia
Given to his idiot son to marry.
Merely the Queen of Persia...
Such fun.
Merely me?!!
Tell him, Vashti says No
The messenger comes back, he’s got a black eye.
The king wants to give me one more chance.
Beloved First Wife!
Dress up in your finest and parade yourself!
Then beg for forgiveness, he’s in such a good mood
I give the poor messenger a pat on the head
And an aspirin
Sorry sweetie,
Remember to duck
When you tell him, Vashti says No
Maybe I’ll cut off my long black hair,
Maybe I’ll burn all my beautiful clothes.
Maybe I’ll stop wearing make up
Maybe I’ll get fat
Show this off buster!
Messenger falls back in the room, he’s limping now
And I think his arm is broken.
The old man wants my crown.
This crown?
The old man wants to give it to the next wife
The clothes, and servants and the jewels
So get it all, ladies, stuff it in the bags
I’m taking everything.
And tell that old glutton,
Vashti says NO.
All packed?
Good, thanks.
Get the carriage, I’ll wait here.
You know, I’ve got a lovely palace in the country
5000 square feet and a heated pool.
I think I”ll plant tomatoes.
Maybe I’ll take a lover
And write my memoirs.
As for you, husband,
Go ahead, get yourself a new queen.
On second thought, take the crown
I’ll never wear it again.
It’ll just remind me of you.
(here, give it to the boy to deliver, it might save his life.)
And lotsa luck to the next one, whoever you will be.
Display yourself if that’s what he wants
But get him drunk first
It goes faster.
Manipulate him if you can
Let him think he’s clever
It’s not that hard
Unless he’s with his friends.
So when you’re the Queen, girlie, say yes yes yes
But please, honey, whoever you are
Tell him, Vashti says No.
Lucky Esther
Chapter 4
She Came Up With A Plan
And so, on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, when the king’s command and decree were to be executed, the very day on which the enemies of the Jews had expected to get them in their power, the opposite happened, and the Jews got their enemies in their power.*
So what happens when we win?
Not by much
And in the nick of time.
It so easily could have gone the other way.
And though there’s lots of us
There’s plenty of them
And they are cruel
But then so are we.
What to do?
Do we forgive and forget?
Do we try to change hearts and minds?
Or do we strike at our enemies with the sword?
Do we slay and destroy them
Just like they were going to slay and destroy us?
Even those who had nothing to do with it?
Even the children?
Are they permanently them?
Are we forever only us?
Shall we be cruel?
Shall we impale their children on the stake
And then forget them?
It’s strangely tempting.
Weren’t they stupid? Aren’t we clever?
So do we laugh in the face of their grief
And celebrate their deaths and their disgraces?
But what is the line between satire and derision?
Between defense and revenge?
How do we resist answering
Hate for hate, violence for violence?
Do we try to reconcile?
Should we try to be nice on principle?
What if they’re not interested in us being nice, ever?
Can’t it be enough to laugh at them,
Do we have to also slay and destroy them?
Even unto the children?
Can’t we maybe talk instead?
Blessed One-ness
What are our obligations here?
We won and they lost and we are glad.
But perhaps we need help
To remember their humanity
And ours
While we party.
Hag Purim Sameakh
*JPS translation
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