Sunday, December 15, 2013

Delusions of Separation and Reference: A Hatzi Kaddish

Bless our need for a name
For that which cannot be named.
It has made us so creative
And gives us structure,
Blessed One-ness.

In Genesis
God created the wild beasts and all the birds of the sky
And brought them to Adam to see what he would call them
And the man gave names to them all.
Did Adam gain control of the animals because he could name them?
Or was that only an illusion of control
To comfort Adam in his newborn bewilderment?

And sometimes I think
That the God who receives all this blessing
Watches us to see what we will call God.
Giving us the illusion of control
Over the Eternal Ineffable Unnameable One-ness
So as to comfort us in our spiritual infancy.
And let us say, Amen.

Praise the One-ness who has given us the delusion of separation
So that we might see beginnings and middles and ends
And not go crazy.
Praise the One-ness who has given us delusions of reference
That we may pretend that we are the center of the universe
And not be lonely.
These are comforting gifts,
One among many.

We give thanks for this Hatzi Kaddish
That separates one prayer from another
That creates structure in the prayer service,
As we come together,
To Bless the Name 
of the Names of the Un-nameable
And let us say, Amen.

Layer Upon Layer
A Holy Wholeness…
May all our prayers
Be understood
By God
However we understand God on any given day.
Making peace and sustaining wholeness
Through us
For us
And for all the world,
And let us say,

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