© 2015 Patricia Arlin
Blessed One-ness
Why did I count the Omer?
Every night I counted….what?
The grains of wheat I harvested?
My bread comes wrapped in plastic so,
My bread comes wrapped in plastic so,
Uh, no.
Counting the days until Shavuot?
I have a calendar on my phone, alerts that ring out
So, again, no.
So why did I count?
I didn't know why I counted until I counted,
I didn't know why I counted until I counted,
Each date noted was a day stopped, if only for a moment.
A shabbat every day
And it was holy,
Each day separated
All days the same.
So, this then, yes.
And it was holy,
Each day separated
All days the same.
So, this then, yes.
With a blessing for each day,
And a blessing for the count,
And a blessing for the counters,
And a blessing for the counters,
I am in the blessed One-ness.