Rosh Ḥodesh Elul, the first day of the new moon of Elul, we begin an accounting for all the souls
with whom we are in a relationship.
Listen for the voice of the animals in the sound of the shofar.
(The shofar is blown once, a single
Cat Baby, Dog Baby, Fur Baby, My Baby,
Baby Boo, Love Machine, Poosy, Schmushy
Pupster, Puppino, Doglet, Kittenhead,
Fuzzy Wuzzy, Wiggly Tush, Mr. Nose, Miss Whiskers
Pearly Pink Paws, Mr. Claws, The Cuddly One, The Silly One
Belly boy, Muffin man, Old fella, Pretty boy
Fluff Meister, Wiener dog, King of Soft, Mr. Ruff
Barkmeister, Mighty Hunter, Miss Poo, Mr Vomit
Cat from Hell, Dog o' my dreams, Bark-a-roni, Flat
My Boy, My Girl, My Cat, My Dog
For all the love you allow
me to give you,
For all the love I allow
myself to believe you give me,
For all the times you have
protected me from physical or emotional harm,
For all the times you
warned me,
For all the furntiture you
have destroyed,
And all the rugs you have
peed and puked on,
For all the exercise I got
walking you,
For all the sleep you got on my head,
For all the pleasure I get
watching you eat,
For all the litter boxes and plastic bags I used to clean up your shit,
For all the nights I dreamt
about you,
For all the work days you
missed me,
For all the blood pressure
For all the depressions mitigated,
For all the tails wagged,
For all the purrs purred,
I thank you, loved pets and
Specifically, I ask give thanks for the lives of (my pet's names)
Do you want to thank your
loved ones? Call their names out!
(they call out
their pet’s names)
For all the services you
render us as our pets and companions,
Anachnu Modim
we give thanks.
(The shofar is blown a second time.)
Dear Friend and Companion, I
am your
(together) My friend, my
You eat when I decide to
feed you, You don’t eat if I forget.
(together) My friend, my
You pee where and when I
tell you And I punish you if you do it in wrong place.
(together) My friend, my
You only go outside if I
let you.
(together) My friend, my
If I want to hit you I can hit you, If I want to caress
you I caress you.
(together) My friend, my
I have decided that I want
you to keep me company for many years, so I force you to go for check ups and treatments at the vet, which you hate
(together) My friend, my
I have cut out your
reproductive organs to make you more pliable and easy to live with.
(together) My friend, my
I keep you shackled in a
collar and it’s up to me whether that collar is comfortable or has rhinestones that humiliate you or spikes that dig into your flesh.
(together) My friend, my
I named you without asking
what you call yourself.
(together) My friend, my
I went to a shelter to pick
you out and I told myself I was rescuing you, that when you happened to look in my direction that you chose me, but all the
choosing was on my side, you had no say in the matter.
(together) My friend, my
I might be a good master,
or I might be a bad master, it doesn’t matter. You can’t leave.
(together) My friend, my
your lack of freedom,
my demands for attention and comfort,
your lack of the company of your freely chosen fellow creatures,
my theft of your sexuality,
For my many terms of endearment
that mask your captivity,
For all the privilege I
exercise over you without thought,
I ask your forgiveness.
Specifically, I ask for the
forgiveness of (my pet's names)
Do you want to do the same
for your beloved captives? Call them out!
Thank you…?
(they call out
their pet’s names)
For all the times we have
transgressed against your dignity and agency, as our pets,
Selach Lanu
We ask forgiveness.
shofar is blown a third time.)
Atah Adonai
At Yah
are so blessed by the soft and attentive animals that we are able to love with
all our hearts and all our souls,
let us give thanks to the One-ness
of which we have found our pets.
give thanks for the simple love between us and them that teaches and mirrors the
simple love for God and from God
we return for every year
we make Teshuvah.
during this month of Elul,
We will
pray to to show our beloved companions and captives how much we appreciate them
wish for them a healthy and happy New Year.
Baruch atah Adonai Elohainu Melech HaOlam,
Blessed is the Fierce Mystery
Blessed are the domesticated beasts of the earth.
Rosh Hodesh Tov.
* With gratitude to the resources of OpenSiddur.Org
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