Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Chag Ha-Atzeret (Day of Stopping)


This year, did we really need to count the Omer?

Between the election numbers

The popularity polls

The voting

And the dead millions

Haven’t we had enough counting?


This year, do we need to remember the Covenant?

It’s always been here

Even when we couldn’t see it.

And it was hard to see this year,

Don’t care how hard you looked. 

And how many of us tried?


This year, do we really need to “receive” the Torah?

Haven’t we been passive for too long?

Yeah, it felt like it was enough just to survive, 

But shouldn’t we be doing more?

Do we really want to go back to normal,

Didn’t normal suck?


This year let’s make some Torah.

C’mon, let’s do something new.

A Shavuot Blessing For Essential and Sacred Workers


Bless those who got us to Sinai:

The ones who fed us,

The ones who kept us safe,

The ones who healed us,

The ones who sustained us,

The ones who listened to us,

The ones who prayed with us,

The ones who did the dirty work for us

And the ones who put themselves in danger, 

whether out of choice or out of necessity.


Bless these workers:

May they be paid fairly for their labor,

May they find pleasure in their work,

May they be appreciated for their sacrifices,

May they have room to recover themselves,

May they not be sickened or injured in their jobs,

May they organize themselves successfully in unions,

May they have time for spiritual exploration

And may they all get enough of what they need, 

whatever that looks like for each one of them.  
