Our domesticated beasts, our animals, when they trust you, you are blessed.
And when that gift of joy and love and attention and nowness dies, we miss them so much. We suffer. We mourn. Why do they have to live such short lives?
In June of 2022 I lost Buster, my cat. He was 23. Here he is:
Blessed Holy Wholeness
Breath of the Universe
Breathing us in
Breathing us out.
Remembering us
Remembering our companions
Who let us love them with a full and pure heart
And who loved us back the same way.
We were blessed to have them
As long as we did
And though I am really sad that they are gone,
I am really glad that they were here.
I give thanks to the Holy Connector,
The One-ness that is eternal,
Which I experienced
Through my sweet beasts.
Brucha HaShleimot
Ruach ha Olam,
Breathing us in
Breathing us out.
We remember them,
We mourn their loss
And their memories are a blessing.
And let us say,