It’s the Purim Parade!
When all us kids in Hebrew school
Dress up like the story
In costumes and win prizes!
We have six Esthers
She’s a Jewish girl in ancient Persia,
She ‘s very smart and brave and beautiful
And she marries the King which kinda sucks
There are two Vashtis,
That’s the wife of the King, who leaves him because he’s creepy,
She’s pretty, too.
There’s four Mordecais,
He’s Esther’s uncle,
He’s very smart and brave and handsome,
He wears a robe.
We have two Kings
He’s the king of Persia
(With a long name I can’t pronounce
I just call him The King),
He is stupid and ugly,
So he has a big crown and funny wig.
There’s even two Haman’s!
Haman is mean and cruel,
He wants to kill all the Jews!
Spoiler Alert, we kill him instead.
He’s the bad guy
So he wears a funny mustache and silly make up
Because we hate him.
Every year Bobby or one of his brothers is Haman.
Bobby likes it when we boo.
I used to be Esther,
And I always won
Because I have a tiara.
My mom says everybody should have a tiara.
Esther is pretty butboring so this year I’m Vashti.
She’s my mother’s favorite because she talks back to the King
But next year I think I’ll be Mordecai
Because he’s smart and gets to ride a donkey
My baby brother wants to be the donkey
Happy Purim!