Sunday, March 18, 2018

A Blessing for Putting Up A Mezuzah


Blessed Mystery, Brucha At Shechina,
Breathing in our history
Breathing out our stories,
Bless this mezuzah.

We earned this mezuzah,
This is a hard fought mezuzah.
This mezuzah has been in the trenches,
This is one tough cookie of a mezuzah.

There are way too many tears in this mezuzah,
But just as many laughs.
And oh wow,
There's a lot,
A lot,
Of love
And so many memories.

Breathing in our history,
Breathing out our stories,
Every time we come to this door,
The door to our new home,
We can touch our fingertips to this glorious mezuzah
And have a holy conversation
With everything
And everyone
That brought us to this place.

Blessed Mystery, Brucha At Shechina,
We give thanks for our new doorway
And its new mezuzah.
May we live here happily, 
As long as we want to,   

If you find this offering of my work valuable or pleasurable, please consider supporting me with a mutual offering, if you are able:

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Thank you!

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