Monday, October 16, 2017


(can be read in public once contracts have or are being signed)

Blessed be Ruach HaOlam, Breathing Us In and  Breathing Us Out,
Help me with my obligations as a Levite for my congregation.
May I serve my community to the best of my ability with hard work and creative problem solving.
May I remember the larger goals when I am bogged down in the small details.
May I learn to set limits and know when I must ignore or enforce them.
May I never forget that that everyone means well.
May I represent my community to the wider Jewish kahal well and appropriately.
May I always remember to work with my community with respect and diligence so together we may serve and repair our world.

(Employees sign two copies of this contract)

The Congregation:
Blessed be Ruach HaOlam, Breathing Us In and  Breathing Us Out,
Help us with our obligations to our Levites:
May we serve them to the best of our ability with fair wages and benefits.
May we understand that they are professionals and not volunteers.
May we remember that they must have their days of rest.
May we remember that they love what they do and who they do it for and may we not take advantage of that love too often.
May we always remember to employ them with respect and appreciation so that together we may serve and repair our world.

(Board representative signs the two contracts)


Blessed be Ruach HaOlam, Breathing Us In and  Breathing Us Out,
Help us with all of our mutual obligations:
Hard work and fair compensation,
Diversity and safety,
Opportunity and study.
Just as Bezalel built the Mishkan with his labor, and as he also took joy in the beauty of his creation, may we build this community together and take joy when it flourishes so that we may better serve and repair our world.

(Clergy hands one copy of this contract to each party.)

All, Together:
Blessed be Ruach HaOlam, Breathing Us In and  Breathing Us Out,
And bless the community, the work and the workers, that we are one in the One-ness. 


If you find this offering of my work valuable or pleasurable, please consider supporting me with a mutual offering, if you are able:

If you use one of my prayers or kavannot for a service or event you can make a one time donation via my PayPal account.  

If you would like to support my work as a sacred artist in an ongoing fashion, please contribute (any amount) on a monthly basis to my Patreon account.

Thank you!

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