Thursday, November 29, 2018



Published by Dimus Parrhesia Press

Place yourself in front of the fear. 
You will be judged, you will die.
Place yourself in the center of the universe
You earned that spot simply by existing.
Place yourself under obligation to God
However you understand or don’t understand God.
Place yourself on the path of holiness and truth.
Bless and be blessed by HaMakom, the Place where we find ourselves.”
---from Place Yourself, an Unataneh Tokef by Trisha Arlin

PLACE YOURSELF, by Trisha Arlin, with a Foreword by Rabbi Jill Hammer and original artwork by Mike Cockrill,  is a book of original prayer, kavannot and liturgical poems.  Written in clear language that is meant to be experienced in real time as part of a service or ritual event, or to be used for personal spiritual explorations, Arlin’s work is fresh,challenging, useful and very modern.
“How does a contemporary person engage Jewish prayer and make any sense of the words? How do we reconcile what we know about the messy, uncertain, often painful and unjust world with the God the prayerbook describes? Conversely, how do we express the awe we feel at the beauty of the universe when we are immersed in a culture of cynicism, materialism, and doubt? In her by turns whimsical, incisive, and vulnerable prayer-poetry, Trisha Arlin offers a bold answer to these questions…

[Trisha Arlin’s) prayers make space for the things we thought we couldn’t say. If you want prayers for the Sabbath, holidays, and other occasions that speak to the heart and don’t discount your head, Arlin’s work is for you. If you’re ready to be honest and vulnerable, reverent and heretical, mystical and down-to-earth, you’ve come to the right place. You can use these words as a resource for enhancing your Jewish prayer practice, or you can use them to re-enter Jewish prayers you left behind forever. However you place yourself, may you find this book to be a blessing.”---Rabbi Jill Hammer, Foreword

Trisha Arlin's Place Yourself invites us to experience prayer with powerful metaphor, a modern sensitivity and a deep love that at once refreshes the act of prayer and simultaneously invites us back into the Siddur to explore the texts of generations past. -- Alden Solovy, Liturgist and Author, This Grateful Heart and This Joyous Soul

Trisha Arlin's liturgical poetry breathes with authenticity, honesty, and a spiritual sensibility informed by the dissonance of real life. Her contemporary theology offers a necessary respite from the lofty and flowery, and we have much to learn from her wisdom. -- Amy Gottlieb, author of The Beautiful Possible
“"Thanks to Trisha Arlin we observe Rosh Hodesh Elul with prayers and blessings for animals. Her extended blessing focusing on the smallest of animals - the bugs and even smaller - was astonishing: funny, deep, thought-provoking. It connected us all to the Divine in a completely new way." ---Rabbi Ellen Lippmann, Kolot Chayeinu/Voices of Our Lives
"Trisha Arlin’s prayers create worlds of spiritual space that invoke a worshipful tone. Then they puncture complacency and boldly ask, badger, and provoke. They awaken us. And then they restore the spiritual space, but we’re a bit more comfortable in it because like us, the prayers are faithful and faithless, hopeful and hopeless, serious and playful. The overall affect is a prayer spot wherein moderns who yearn may find comfort, solace, and a smile." --Rabbi Jeff Hoffman, D.H.L., Rabbi-In-Residence and Director of Institutional Assessment, The Academy for Jewish Religion
"In my congregation are published authors and readers of professional quality as well as students and just plain folk. They relish the opportunity to read one of Trisha's kavvanot aloud during services. The rhythms of her poetry awaken our hearts on the High Holy Days and her words, real, alive and down to earth enhance our Shabbat worship experience throughout the rest of the Jewish calendar year." --Rabbi Peg Kershenbaum, Congregation B'nai Harim, Pocono Pines, PA.
 About The Author

Trisha Arlin is a liturgist and very part-time rabbinic student at the Academy of Jewish religion; 2014 Liturgist-In-Residence at the National Havurah Summer Institute; the editor of RAISING MY VOICE, The Selected Writings of Rabbi Ellen Lippmann and VOICES, the Kolot Chayeinu Journal; and creator of the Writing Personal Prayer workshops. 

Individual prayers and kavannot have been or will soon be published in the JOURNAL OF FEMINIST STUDIES IN RELGION (2019); RENEW OUR HEARTS: A SIDDUR FOR SHABBAT  DAY,  Bayit and Ben Yehuda Press, (2019);  BESIDE STILL WATERS, A JOURNAL OF COMFORT AND RENEWAL, 2018, Bayit and Ben Yehuda Press;  A POET'S SIDDUR, Ain't Got No Press, 2017; and STUDIES IN JUDAISM AND PLURALISM, Ben Yehuda Press 2016 and her work can be found online on, the and on her blog, Trisha Arlin: Words of Prayer and Intention  

Trisha's liturgy has been used at services and ritual occasions at venues of many denominations around the country, including Kolot Chayeinu and Union Temple (Brooklyn, NY) , Makor (Long Island, NY), Bnai Keshet (Montclair, NJ), Lev Matanot (Toronto, CA), Beth Israel-West Temple (Cleveland, OH), NHI Summer Institute, Adath Shalom (Morris Plains, NJ), Temple Chai (Phoenix, AZ), Moishe House website, Sinai Free Synagogue (Mt. Vernon, NY), Congregation Ner Shalom (Woodbridge, VA), Temple Emanuel (Franklin Lakes, NJ), Temple Isaiah (Palm Springs, CA), Addison County Jewish Congregation (Middlebury, VT), Columbus OH JCC, First Unitarian Church (Wilmington, DL), Kol Hai (New Paltz, NY), Congregation Kol HaNeshema (Sarasota, FL)

About The Artist

Mike Cockrill is an artist whose diverse body of work has been widely exhibited in both the US and abroad. After decades of participation in Jewish life, Mike, who was raised Catholic, completed his conversion to Judaism in 2017. He lives in Brooklyn with his wife and daughter.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Learn Shabbat Liturgy with Trisha Arlin

Our Shabbat Liturgy – (From Barchu to Emet)

Starting this Fall, liturgist, part-time rabbinic student and longtime Kolot member, Trisha Arlin, will teach six-week classes on sections the Kolot Shabbat Morning Service, where, along with learning some history, traditional meanings and ritual moves of the prayers and service, we will explore what each prayer can mean personally and to the community.  

First six-week class:  The blessings from the Barchu to the Shma (the Kriat Shma section).  No Hebrew Necessary.

Dates, times and locations TBD based on participants.  Can do day and/or evening class.  Cost is $300/per six week session, due the start of the class with each student entitled to one individual make up session if a class is missed.  Minimum 3 students per class.    References to previous students available upon request. 

Also available:  Individual tutoring for the entire service (or individual components), going at your own pace,  $75 a session.   Also, Drash Writing, tutoring and/or editing.  Also happy to start up another Personal Prayer Writing cohort if there is interest.

Contact Trisha at


Trisha Arlin is a liturgist and very part-time rabbinic student at the Academy of Jewish religion; 2014 Liturgist-In-Residence at the National Havurah Summer Institute; the editor of RAISING MY VOICE, The Selected Writings of Rabbi Ellen Lippmann and VOICES, the Kolot Chayeinu Journal; creator of the Writing Personal Prayer workshops. 

A collection of her work, PLACE YOURSELF, with a foreword by Rabbi Jill Hammer and cover and inside art by Mike Cockrill, will be published in the Fall of 2018 by Dimus Parrhesia Press and will soon be available for pre-orders.   Individual prayers and kavannot have been or will soon be published in the JOURNAL OF FEMINIST STUDIES IN RELGION (2019); RENEW OUR HEARTS: A SIDDUR FOR SHABBAT  DAY,  Bayit and Ben Yehuda Press, (2019);  BESIDE STILL WATERS, A JOURNAL OF COMFORT AND RENEWAL, 2018, Bayit and Ben Yehuda Press;  A POET'S SIDDUR, Ain't Got No Press, 2017; and STUDIES IN JUDAISM AND PLURALISM, Ben Yehuda Press 2016 and her work can be found online on, the and on her blog, Trisha Arlin: Words of Prayer and Intention  

Liturgy Use
Trisha's liturgy has been used at services and ritual occasions at venues of many denominations around the country, including Kolot Chayeinu and Union Temple (Brooklyn, NY) , Makor (Long Island, NY), Bnai Keshet (Montclair, NJ), Lev Matanot (Toronto, CA), Beth Israel-West Temple (Cleveland, OH), NHI Summer Institute, Adath Shalom (Morris Plains, NJ), Temple Chai (Phoenix, AZ), Moishe House website, Sinai Free Synagogue (Mt. Vernon, NY), Congregation Ner Shalom (Woodbridge, VA), Temple Emanuel (Franklin Lakes, NJ), Temple Isaiah (Palm Springs, CA), Addison County Jewish Congregation (Middlebury, VT), Columbus OH JCC, First Unitarian Church (Wilmington, DL), Kol Hai (New Paltz, NY), Congregation Kol HaNeshema (Sarasota, FL)

Monday, November 5, 2018

Blessings for The Night Before The Election

May the good people win and the bad people lose.
May we contribute all that we can contribute and not punish ourselves for what we couldn’t do. And may all of us who volunteered or donated be blessed with happy endings.
May we not eat or drink too much crap while we wait for results. However, may it be good crap.
May we be able to watch as many kitten and puppy videos as we need to so that we can stay calm.
May we have friends to celebrate and commiserate with on Zoom, by text, and maybe even in person.
May we get a good night’s sleep tonight and all this week, we will need it.
May the line on Tuesday get long as soon as we have voted and may it be filled with first time voters.
And may democracy, however imperfect, survive and flourish.
And let us say, Amen

Saturday, October 27, 2018

For Pittsburgh

Blessed One-ness,
Though we are afraid
Help us imagine possibilities
Within our fear
And our fury,
Of safety
Of healing
Of clarity
Of action.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

All Our Grudges: An Alternative Kol Nidrei

All grudges, resentments, and vows of vengence and bitterness, 
All undying hatreds or annoyances that we may hold onto
Or talk endlessly about, boring our friends,
Or lose sleep obsessing over
Or write bad poetry about
Or bring up at family dinners to the consternation of all present;

From the previous Day of Atonement until this Day of Atonement
For the benefit of our mental health
And the peace of mind of all who surround us;
Regarding all of this that we have refused to let go,
Despite the fact that they are long past
Or pointless
Or one-sided
Or ridiculous
Or destructive of the innocent
Or hurting ourselves more than anyone else;

Regarding all of them, these intrusions on the Holy Wholeness,
we repudiate them.
All of them, we let them go,
Give up
Wave away
Acknowledge as stupid
Declare null and void
Because we are done.

Our grudges are no longer our grudges,
Our silent resentments are no longer silent,
Our eternal vows of vengence are no more.

The entire community acknowledges and takes action
So that everyone we have been angry at is forgiven,
Every hurt we did not speak about will be dealt with,
Every relative will be loved for who they are rather than who they are not,
Every change in the world that needs to be made will be made rather than contemplated.

Holy Wholeness!
We need help to step back into connection with the One.
We look for the compassion and mercy
That is always there
If we but pay attention.

Yes, there it is.
We are forgiven?

Blessed be the One-ness, 
Creator, Created, Creating.

Art by Mike Cockrill

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Torah Covers That Go Wow: Changing the Torah Covers on Erev Rosh Hashanah

On Rosh Hashanah
It's time,
Among much else,
To change the covers on our Torahs from the everyday colors to white.
I google
Torah covers,
Hoping for some Jewish knowledge to inspire deep thoughts
And at the top of the list there is an ad,
An ad for a company that makes custom torah covers.

The headline for the ad reads,
Torah Covers That Go Wow!

Torah covers that go, "wow!"?

I'm impressed
And I start thinking about the other talking Torah covers I have known
And what they might have to say
Besides wow.

For instance, I once knew a Torah cover that said, Because You Are a Girl You're Not Allowed To Touch Me.
So I touched.  

I knew a Torah cover that said, Pick me up and Dance With Me!
I met that Torah cover at my first Simchat Torah.
And we danced.

I knew a Torah cover that said Take Me Off And Look Inside!
So I did and it was not boring.

I knew a Torah cover that said, Don't Worship Me, I'm Just A Book.
 I agreed, and then I kissed it with my tallit.

I knew a Torah cover that said, Doubt Is An Act Of Faith!
And so I asked questions, and then asked some more.

And these High Holyday white Torah covers, what do they say?
These cry out, Remember Me.
And I think of the loved one of blessed memory, who gave these covers to us.
I still miss her, and remember.

Last year the Torah covers spoke and said,
“Every small stain on white is visible, every blemish is there for the world to see”*
So that we may know ourselves, seek forgiveness and change.

And everywhere there is Rosh Hashana, what else do all the white covers say? 
They sing the song of the Shofar, the three notes,
According to Rabbi Arthur Waskow,
Tekiah, “Awake!”,  
Teruah ,”Open your heart!”,  
Shevarim, “Sob with all who suffer!”

All these noisy covers, going: Help Me, Touch Me, Go Away, Learn and Study, Ask and Listen, Worship, Fear, Dance, Forgive and Be Forgiven, Remember, Awaken, Open Up, Empathize, Resist...

All these voices
Kolot Torah, the voices of our torah covers,
Kolot Shofar,  the voices of the Shofar,
Kolot Chayeinu, the voices of our lives
As we join together
And go,

Shana Tova

*Tabitha St. Bernard and Adam Jaffe, Changing The Torah Covers