Monday, August 5, 2024

Mourning Our Losses (for Tisha B’Av)


Art by Mike Cockrill

Blessed One-ness,

Nuance is abandoned 

In this era of existential threats. 

Perhaps it was always a middle class luxury. 

Now everybody seems to think

The survival of who they are

Is on the line. 

But we miss it

And mourn our loss

And pray for its return

Empathy is superfluous 

In this time of extreme right and wrong

Perhaps it was just a pretense. 

Isn’t it fun to be cruel?

Anyone else’s feelings 

Are a bore. 

But we miss it

And mourn our loss

And pray for its return

Kindness is for suckers

In this new time of trolls and happy attackers. 

Perhaps we just awaited the internet

To show our creepiest sides. 

When no one knows your name, 

Why care?

But we miss it

And mourn our loss 

And pray for its return

Grief is the outcome 

So let us sit on the ground

In this time of sanctioned sorrow 

And pound the passive floor. 

Let us be angry 

At the unnecessary pain. 

We do miss who we thought we were. 

We shall mourn all the murdered. 

We must pray we improve.  


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