Monday, May 27, 2024

Words For Those We Remember

To the soldiers who died bravely for their country
And the soldiers who died in the fog of war 

To the civilians who died as collateral damage
And the civilians who died resisting cruelty 

To the helpers who died feeding the hungry 
And the helpers who died tending to wounds

To the young who died to fight old men’s wars
And the young who died while protesting 

To the women who died from weaponized rape
And the women who raised children alone

To the exploiters who profited from fear and ignorance 
And the exploiters who profited from the sale of weapons  and  death

To those who used war to enslave
And those who used war to liberate 

To all of these
We say
We remember you.  

We remember you.  

We remember you.  


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