Saturday, June 8, 2024

Voice and Picture Muted On Shabbat


Those of us who are old, sick, lazy or far away,

My people,

Still do Shabbat on Zoom,

Some are on screen with their tallitot but 

I’m in my bed, voice and picture muted. 

The story of the service demands company,

Does it work if I’m alone?

Does the standing prayer count

If I’m under an electric blanket?

Sometimes I doze off during the drash.  

The camera pans around the sanctuary

When they take out the Torah and 

Parade around the room. 

We can see our friends 

But do they see us?

While the Torah is out we absorb its mojo 

And listen to a blessing for healing.  

I text the names of my sick friends 

(And myself)

Into the chat. 

Then Aleinu, 

It is upon us to change the world!

But today there’s nothing up on me

But banal thoughts of

Coffee and a morning pee. 

They get to the Mourners Kaddish,

One mustn’t grieve alone.  

(Maybe I’ll go in person next week for Daddy?)

The service ends with a song,  Adon Olam.

Feh, that tune is so annoying. 

Then, at last, we unmute

And for a moment 

The old and sick and lazy and the far away, 

My people,

Make noise in the room with each other. 

We wave and call out,

“Shabbat Shalom!!”

Blessed One-ness,

We give thanks for this holy day

Of love and pleasure. 


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